Your DPP payments will be calculated based on what you can afford to pay after all of your essential expenditures have been paid.
You will not be charged setup fees by Trust Deed Scotland® for your Debt Arrangement Scheme.
The monthly costs of administering the scheme are borne by the creditors i.e. from every £ received into the scheme, 22p is used to pay these costs; this 22p is split between the DAS Administrator (2p) and the Money Adviser (20p).
There may also be a payment made to the Payment Distributor (PD) and, if so, this would result in the Money Adviser’s fee being reduced by the same amount as paid to the PD. The remaining amounts are distributed amongst all creditors on a pro-rata basis and a successfully completed DPP deems all debts to be repaid in full.
This is the same for all individuals whether they use an insolvency practitioner/private sector firm (e.g. Harper McDermott Ltd) or a public sector organisation (e.g. CAB or local authority Money Adviser)